With so many hosting packages available its hard to choose the right plan for you. This post is made to help you choose the best hosting plan for you looking at, price, features and more.
Best value hosting
Most people are simply looking for a simple hosting package that just allows you to make the website for your business. Many will use WordPress for this. The two I recommend most for this is BlueHost and SiteGround these are both very affordable and really easy to set up.
Both of these hosting packages offer great deals BlueHost at around £3 a month (depending on exchange rate) and SiteGround at £2.95 a month. This is the basic package for each. If you are looking for just one website it’s obviously best to go for the cheapest! The only thing to note is that Bluehost does not allow .co.uk address as it is an American based business.
I use Bluehost and they offer amazing support and they have never let me down! I really recommend them. I have used SiteGround in the past for my clients and they also have a really good and simple sign up process.
Advanced hosting with more support
Ionos formally known as 1&1 has some good deals when it comes to hosting and a personal consultant. Start at £1 for the first month then moving to £5 a month. The personal consultant pretty much just answers any questions you have about your website, hosting plan and anything else. Personally I don’t see the point in this, Google is the perfect personal assistant!
As you can see GoDaddy has a wide range of offers that may seem cheap but their prices increase after a few months. This can be deceiving and often catches people out resulting in large amount unforseen extra costs to a business.
Website hosting can be tricky and expensive business. You can save yourself hundreds if you choose the right plan. If all you are looking for is a simple hosting plan that runs your website I recommend SiteGround or Bluehost. These are cheap, simple and reliable. Obviously the more you want the more you will have to spend.